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The 2018 Beeby Award has been awarded to mathematics and statistics educator Dr Pip Arnold. Dr Arnold’s winning proposal is for a resource to support statistics teaching and learning in the New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
Dr Arnold
A reflection by Ashlee Peacock, UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leader, who held an interactive workshop at the Wellington Create1World event. Create1World is an awesome initiative by Massey University that promotes “how creativity can help us better understand and resolve global problems faced by humanity in the 21st Century”
Ashlee at Create1 World Wellington
Auckland officially launched its Auckland Music Strategy Te Rautaki Puoro o Tāmaki Makaurau 2018-2021 as a member of the UNESCO Creative City Network this week.
Auckland city of music photo splore festival serena stevenson
Those teaching school students about resilience, mental health, interpersonal skills, and wellbeing will welcome a new resource from NZCER Press. Mental health education and hauora: Teaching interpersonal skills, resilience, and wellbeing was funded by the Beeby Fellowship, a joint initiative by the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO and the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER).
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UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leader Injy Johnstone represented the National Commission as part of a panel on climate change at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s NGO Policy Forum in October 2018. She shares this experience, as well as reflections on her attendance at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly as part of her studies.
Injy crop
Members of UNESCO Memory of the World Aotearoa New Zealand Trust elected a new Chair at its October Annual General Meeting. Bruce Ralston has taken over the reins from Dianne Macaskill, the founding Chair of the Trust, whose term ends in March 2019.
MOW telephonist
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