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New Zealand participated in UNESCO’s International Expert Meeting on Public Policies Supporting the Right to Education of Refugees, held in Barcelona on 13-14 December 2018. Abdirizak Abdi, Lead Adviser Refugee and Migrant Education Support at the Ministry of Education, attended. He reports back on the meeting.
Earlier this month, in partnership with Ngāti Kuri and thanks to a UNESCO Contestable Activity Fund (UCAF) grant from the National Commission, Auckland War Memorial Museum hosted the marine conservation forum Taiātea – Gathering of Oceans.
Kauri ki Uta, Kauri ki Tai: The Kauri Project Wānanga’ was held at Waipoua 15-19 March. Initiated by The Kauri Project (TKP) in collaboration with Te Roroa, Te Tira Whakamātaki, Reconnecting Northland, and Victoria University, the wānanga was supported by the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO and the Kauri Dieback Programme. One of the organisers, Chris McBride, reports on the event.
The New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO has appointed five new members to its UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leaders group. They are [listed in alphabetical order]: Liletina Vaka, Māia Tapsell, Morgan King, Nick Mailau and Shahin Najak.
Robyn Baker, Chair of the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO reflects on the 2019 terrorist attack and our individual and collective responsibilities for action.
UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leader Nola Smart has spent her summer doing an internship in Vietnam through a Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia (PMSA). She writes about the experience.