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Ngā Rongo Kōrero

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The National Commission supported Nola Smart to participate in UN Youth’s Aotearoa Youth Declaration conference. She reports back.
In 2018, we allocated a major grant to the New Zealand Council for Educational Research in collaboration with Gamefroot, for their project Games for Tuia. The project supports youth to develop digital games to commemorate Encounters 250, which acknowledges the exceptional feats of Pacific voyagers who reached and settled in Aotearoa.
Games for Tuia
The New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO is currently seeking nominations for the prestigious UNESCO Kalinga Prize for the Popularization of Science.
Kalinga Prize medal
Whanganui is hosting a celebration of jazz on International Jazz Day (30 April), with the help of a minor grant from the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO.
Children as young as four can practice philosophy through children’s literature, according to educator and UNESCO Chair/University of Nantes Chair for the Practice of Philosophy with Children, Dr Edwige Chirouter.
Child with book large
New Zealand participated in UNESCO’s International Expert Meeting on Public Policies Supporting the Right to Education of Refugees, held in Barcelona on 13-14 December 2018. Abdirizak Abdi, Lead Adviser Refugee and Migrant Education Support at the Ministry of Education, attended. He reports back on the meeting.
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