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Ngā Rongo Kōrero

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The New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO has awarded four grants worth $102,000 in total in its 2018/2019 Contestable Funding Round.
Climate challenge group shot
Secretary General Vicki Soanes took an active leadership role at the Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting of National Commissions, held in South Korea this month.
Vicki and Ms Nisha in S Korea
UNESCO ‘Looking Beyond Disaster’ Ambassador Dr Dolapo Fakuade attended the First Aid for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAC) course, held between 5-26 August 2018 in the Netherlands. She shares her experiences and observations.
Dolas at FAC course
UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leader Raven Maeder and Chair Robyn Baker attended the Conservation Week 2018 cocktail function at the Sustainability Trust in Wellington on 20 September 2018. Raven reflects on the evening.
Raven at Conservation Week event
An architecture symposium aiming to bridge the gap in indigenous and western knowledge took place in Samoa this month, with support from the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO.
An international Global Geoparks Network conference in Trentino, Italy provided a powerful networking opportunity this month. The members of the Network, of which membership is obligatory for UNESCO Global Geoparks, are committed to working together, exchanging ideas of best practice, and joining in common projects to raise the quality standards of all products and practices of a UNESCO Global Geopark.
Geoff and Gerard at Geoparks conference
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