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Ngā Rongo Kōrero

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In September UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leader Adriana Bird attended the 2022 World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education (WIPCE). Below she reflects on her experience.
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The Waitaki Whitestone aspiring Geopark is one step closer to becoming New Zealand’s first UNESCO Global Geopark following the recommendation from the UNESCO Global Geopark Council to accept the application. The next step is for the Executive Board of UNESCO to endorse the recommendation which is expected in April 2023.
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Find out what our UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leaders have been up to during July and August. Travel to our Creative Cities and learn about their recent projects. Watch some very special videos recorded by the Governor-Generals of Aotearoa New Zealand and Canada, talking about the importance of indigenous language. And much, much more!
The Right Honourable Dame Cindy Kiro (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Kahu) and her Canadian counterpart the Right Honourable Mary Simon (Inuk), speak about the importance of te reo Māori and Inuit languages, and the efforts to revitalise them in Aotearoa New Zealand and Canada.
During the last two weeks of June, UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leader and National Decade Committee member, Aimee Clark, attended the UN Ocean Conference and the Youth & Innovation Forum in Lisbon, Portugal.

Below, Aimee reflects on her experiences attending both the Youth Forum and main conference as a part of the official New Zealand Delegation.
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Diplosphere’s Navigating a Stormy World: Te Ao Māori Perspectives conference, which was held in Wellington in early July, provided plenty of thought-provoking takeaways for our UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leaders.

The conference asked the question: What does “western values” mean in Aotearoa New Zealand 2022? It explored the cultural, trade and political links that have long existed between Māori and the Asia Pacific region, and what the future holds.
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