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Ngā Rongo Kōrero

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In late May the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO Commissioners, Chair and Secretariat headed down to Ōamaru to officially celebrate Aotearoa New Zealand’s first UNESCO Global Geopark – Waitaki Whitestone.

Our Commissioners share their experiences of the celebrations and the impression that Waitaki Whitestone UNESCO Global Geopark left on them. We also share Chair, Liz Longworth's speech.
Commissioners only with boulder push
It has been a very busy couple of months for the National Commission with some amazing highlights and exciting news. In May we welcomed a new Chair and Natural Sciences Commissioner to the National Commission whānau. We continued to build our international connections - find out more about these connections, as well as the latest news from our UNESCO programmes and download our 2022 Annual Review.
Pacific Mission 2 Tong A
The Waitaki Whitestone Geopark has officially been designated as New Zealand's first and Australasia’s only UNESCO Global Geopark.
Moeraki boulders
Liz Longworth has been appointed as the National Commission’s new Chair. She brings with her a wealth of Board experience and knowledge of UNESCO matters. We also welcome Linda Faulkner as our current Natural Sciences Commissioner. Linda has a comprehensive background working in the science and research sector in Aotearoa.
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Learn what the National Commission has been up to in early 2023, and the exciting way that we finished off 2022.
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Representatives from the NZ National Commission addressed more than 700 other international delegates at the High-Level Celebration of the UN International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL) in Paris in December 2022.
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