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Ngā Rongo Kōrero

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Find out what the National Commission has been up to during October to November. Learn about our participation in the 42nd UNESCO General Conference, our time at the Pacific Oceans conference in Fiji and the latest news from our Creative Cities Network, plus much more.
What do you value in life? Where do you see your place in the world? What does it mean to be a global citizen?

These three questions were at the core of what was explored at the 'Step up to the World: Tū māia ki te ao' forum on Global Citizenship Education.

UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leader Kauri Tearaura, who facilitated a workshop at the forum, reflects on his experience:
It has been a busy few months for the NZ National Commission. Catch up on all our latest news in our September newsletter.
Dan speaking
Our Special Advisor Youth, Sabrina Manū, was invited by the Korean National Commission for UNESCO to attend the 2023 UNESCO Global Youth Forum in Seoul in late July. Read on to find out more about her experience at the Youth Forum.
GYF23 Sabrina with logo
On the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples NZ National Commission for UNESCO Commissioner, Linda Faulkner travelled to Sydney | Gadigal to speak at a special celebratory event hosted by FIFA and the United Nations Humans Rights. The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples is held every 9 August to spread awareness about the Indigenous population around the world and to protect their rights.
In celebration of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People we look at how te reo Māori is preserved in the Aotearoa New Zealand Memory of the World Ngā Mahara o te Ao register.

The Aotearoa register seeks to identify items of documentary heritage which have national significance. It aims to bring the value and significance of documentary heritage to wider public notice, along with the work performed by libraries, archives and museums in preserving this valuable heritage.
International Indigenous People EMI0001 A korao 0024 F
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