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Ngā Rongo Kōrero

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View our latest news, media releases, newsletters and event updates. Hear from our commissioners, UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leaders, and our collaborating agencies and organisations. Read our latest updates or delve into the past.

Read about New Zealand contribution at the UN Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona; learn what two of our Creative Cities have been up to; learn about some of the things our Commissioners have been up to in April and May; find out who visited Waitaki Whitestone UNESCO Global Geopark: plus much more. . .
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In April, Aotearoa New Zealand took center stage at the inaugural UN Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona, where we shared our unique approach to the Decade of Ocean Science with a global audience.
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It has been a busy start to 2024. Read all about it here.
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The New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO has appointed three new members to its UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leaders group. They are Kaya Freeman, Saeyavan Sitsabesan and Hinauri Apa-Fepulea'i.
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Find out what the National Commission has been up to during October to November. Learn about our participation in the 42nd UNESCO General Conference, our time at the Pacific Oceans conference in Fiji and the latest news from our Creative Cities Network, plus much more.
What do you value in life? Where do you see your place in the world? What does it mean to be a global citizen?

These three questions were at the core of what was explored at the 'Step up to the World: Tū māia ki te ao' forum on Global Citizenship Education.

UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leader Kauri Tearaura, who facilitated a workshop at the forum, reflects on his experience:
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