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New Zealand National Commission representatives joined UNESCO assessors this weekend as Waitaki Whitestone Geopark’s bid to become the first UNESCO Global Geopark in New Zealand was considered.

UNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development.
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Learn what the National Commission and it's partners have been up to over the months of May and June 2022.
Whanganui Stamp 2022
UNESCO and Massey University have formally established a UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Livelihoods. Professor Stuart Carr from the School of Psychology, has been appointed as Chair. He believes that the Chair, like all UNESCO Chairs, is about friendship, human relationships, and working together to make a contribution to meeting humanitarian goals like the 2016-30 UN Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs).
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The NZ National Commission for UNESCO has worked together with a leading designer from Whanganui City of Design to create a new logo which showcases our Kaupapa.
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The New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO unequivocally condemns the ongoing attack on Ukraine, which is in direct contravention of the UNESCO Constitution and the Organisation’s fundamental aim to contribute to peace and security.
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We have been made aware that someone has been door knocking in the Wellington area, claiming to be collecting money for the Ukraine on behalf of UNESCO. Please be aware that this is a scam. The NZ National Commission for UNESCO is not a fundraising organisation. Please do not give any money to people claiming to represent UNESCO. Instead, please report them to the police’s 105 number.
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