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Ngā Rongo Kōrero

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Dunedin UNESCO City of Literature in partnership with Dunedin Public Libraries and the Dunedin Public Art Gallery announce winner of their teen writing competition.
We are pleased to announce the appointment of a new Commissioner for Culture. Dr Dan Hikuroa (Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato-Tainui, Pākehā) has been appointed to the position of Commissioner – Culture, for a three year term and replaces outgoing Commissioner, Arapata Hakiwai.
In light of the Government’s decision on Monday 23 March to move immediately to level 3 (and subsequently level 4) of the COVID-19 response, we felt it was important to reflect on the responsibility UNESCO has—both as a National Commission and internationally—to support the sharing of reliable, trusted information.
Chair – Robyn Baker for the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO. Photo credit: Stephen A’Court.
Youth Leaders Morgan King and Brodie Cross joined the Evironmental Protection Agency’s Te Herenga hui in Porirua in March 2020. The purpose of the hui was to bring rangatahi Māori together to discuss the importance of involving youth when addressing current and future issues for our taiao (environment).
On 17 February 2020 the newest inscriptions to the UNESCO Memory of the World New Zealand Register were made at a ceremony at National Library of New Zealand. Precious documentary heritage is added yearly to the register in recognition of its significance to New Zealand history.
Sir Julius von Haast
On Monday the 27th of January, Robyn Baker, Chairperson of the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO and Vicki Soanes, Secretary General, attended Holocaust Remembrance Day organised by the Holocaust Centre in Wellington. The commemoration also acknowledged the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp, Auschwitz.
Holocaust Centre rememberance
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