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Ngā Rongo Kōrero

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Nearly a hundred youth leaders from Christchurch and around the country came together in Ōtautahi Christchurch over the weekend of 4-6 October. In collaboration with the Human Rights Commission (HRC) and mana whenua Ngāi Tūāhuriri and Ngāi Tahu, we held the Youth Diversity Forum to support a cross-ethnic discussion, addressing racism, education and spirituality in response to the mosque attacks of 15 March 2019.
YDF 2019
Te Paepae o Tangaroa (Ocean’s Speak) was held in Gisborne 6 –7 October 2019. The symposium was open to the public and brought academics and experts on the environment and oceans together to discuss the future of the sea. Social Sciences Commissioner, Peggy Fairbairn-Dunlop opened the second day of the hui, and spoke about the National Commission’s focus on indigenous knowledge and oceans for the wellbeing of people and planet, these being two of our target areas.
Moananui 1 Peggy and Ashlee
Wellington has been named a City of Film by UNESCO. The accolade comes after the submission of an excellent application highlighting the many attributes that make Wellington a cinema hotspot.
Hobbit world premiere the embassy
The National Commission is sponsoring Moananui, an ocean sustainability programme with a particular lens around indigenous relationships with the ocean. The grant will cover expenses associated with a two-day oceans symposium ‘Te Paepae o Tangaroa’, held between 6-7 October 2019 in Gisborne.
Waka horua
Secretary General Vicki Soanes and Senior Advisor Zuleika Chang travelled to Apia in July to meet with contacts at the UNESCO Office for the Pacific States.
Vicki and Zuleika in Apia
The National Commission supported UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leader Shahin Najak to attend the World Youth Conference on Kindness in New Delhi. She reports back on her experience.
Shahin at Kindness Matters conference
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