Mana Raraunga Data Sovereignty

Royal Society Te Apārangi’s Data Sovereignty report outlines what data sovereignty is and why it matters in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Mana Raraunga Data Sovereignty

The report gives an overview of the concepts of data sovereignty, Indigenous data sovereignty, and Māori data sovereignty. These concepts are helping guide answers to complex questions about who owns, controls, and protects our data. The report also describes new data practices that are emerging to create a data future that benefits us all.

In this digital era, individuals, groups, and governments are continuously generating enormous amounts of data that are used to make decisions, drive innovation, and make profits. Data has become hugely valuable and a source of power.

But who owns, controls, and protects our data? The concepts of data sovereignty, Indigenous data sovereignty, and Māori data sovereignty are helping guide answers to such complex questions.

This report gives an overview of these concepts and the new data practices that are emerging to ensure a data future that supports the wellbeing of us all.

Royal Society Te Apārangi support New Zealanders to explore, discover and share knowledge and is a co-operating body of the NZ National Commission for UNESCO.

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