Are you interested in becoming a UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leader?

Are you a young person with an interest in deepening connections between Aotearoa youth and UNESCO globally in order to contribute to a more sustainable and peaceful future? Then the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO wants to hear from you.

Application details

We’re looking for young people (ages 18-25) to join our UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leader rōpū. As a Youth Leader, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Provide a youth perspective on the strategies and initiatives of the NZ National Commission for UNESCO.
  • Work with a group of other passionate young leaders on projects that align with the NZ National Commission’s priority areas.
  • Learn about UNESCO and its work in Aotearoa New Zealand and globally.

What we are looking for:

  • Proactivity and creativity
  • Interest in how global challenges impact local communities
  • Strong focus on working collaboratively with others and sharing ideas
  • Passion for deepening connections between the people of Aotearoa New Zealand and UNESCO globally through the sharing of ideas and building capability for a sustainable, healthy and more peaceful future.

Note: Potential candidates need to demonstrate a commitment (both in time and passion) to the role. Membership term is two years, and you will be expected to attend at least three meetings per year in Wellington, with expenses covered by the National Commission. The role is open to New Zealand residents and citizens only.

Applications close on 5pm, 4 November 2025. Successful Youth Leaders need to be available to take up their role from January 2025.

If have any questions about the role, please contact

Learn more about our current UNESCO Aotearoa Youth Leaders including what they enjoy most about their role.

Hear our Youth Leaders discuss the importance of the Decade of Indigenous Languages.

Former Youth Leader Ashlee Peacock representing the NZ National Commission at the UNESCO General Conference in Paris
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