Images of the Future: Daily Life in a World Governed by AI Conference

It’s 2033, less than ten years away, what does daily life look like in world where a new sentient intelligence may be among us?

Daily Life in a World Governed by AI

Diplosphere’s 2024 Conference explored the ethical, political, societal, and economic ramifications of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily life. The Conference examined various topics through diverse lenses, from potential AI breakthroughs to tackling regulation and innovation.

NZ National Commission Chair, Liz Longworth chaired the conference and spoke on the UNESCO AI ethics. The conference featured a diverse array of speakers (including politicians), representing different opinions, profiles, and expertise in AI.

The Conference, which took place in Wellington, was attended by more than 300 people from all walks of life and across New Zealand – with some participants coming from as far as Taiwan and Australia.

The conference included a session on Māori data sovereignty, emphasising the role of indigenous knowledge in the evolving AI landscape. It shed light on the unique implications AI holds for the Māori community and offered insight into how indigenous perspectives can contribute to the broader discourse on AI ethics and governance.

The conference helped to educate and empower communities with informed perspectives on AI's transformative potential. It paved the way for individuals to actively participate in the discussion and decision-making processes surrounding AI's integration into society. This is pivotal in building a sustainable future that responsibly harnesses the power of AI.

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