IPBES Transformative Change Report Authors Meeting.

Dr Nick Roskruge is a lead author and New Zealand’s sole contributor to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Transformative Change Report. In February 2024 we supported his travel to France for the Report Authors in-person meeting.

Authors Meeting

The Report is an outcome of the IPBES’s thematic assessment of transformative change work programme.

The Programme was established with the objective is to understand and identify factors in human society at both the individual and collective levels, including behavioural, social, cultural, economic, institutional, technical and technological dimensions, that may be leveraged to bring about transformative change for the conservation, restoration and wise use of biodiversity, while taking into account broader social and economic goals in the context of sustainable development.

The wider in-person discussion that took place at the France meeting helped progress the Report considerably. As the only Māori and Pasifika representative Dr Nick Roskruge was able to provide a unique indigenous knowledge perspective to the meeting and the Report.

During his attendance at the meeting, he has also appointed to the IPBES Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) taskforce for the next 3 years.

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